The medical industry (specifically medtech) is one of the most important and volatile industries on the global stage. Due to the nature of the field, it’s also one of the most vulnerable—specifically to the threat that cyberattacks can have on its network and sensitive data. Patient information, brand perception, patient safety and legal implications all hang in the balance, depending on an airtight cyber defense strategy to remain well-protected and mitigated from dynamic risks.
Identifying the top threats to the industry and individual cyber networks is a critical step to preventing them in the future. Read on to learn more about the top medtech threats in 2023.
What are the top medtech threats in 2023?
While cyber threats can be incredibly dynamic, there are consistent threats that we’ve seen established this year. Identifying these threats can empower organizations to mitigate risk and achieve a higher level of patient satisfaction and safety. Some of the most impactful risks identified are:
- Software vulnerabilities (internal): While vulnerabilities can be a broad term to define the range of things that can go wrong in a network (such as a breach by ransomware or a phishing attack), it is the most accurate. Vulnerabilities can never be fully eradicated—only managed. Building failsafe support into your cybersecurity strategy is one of the best ways to lower your scope of vulnerability.
- Medical device-specific risks: Medical devices that use channels to operate (such as pacemakers) can be hacked or otherwise compromised—posing a specific risk to both provider and patient. Establishing preventative channels and Zero Trust methodology is critical for the safety of the patient, reducing liability inherently.
- Cloud vulnerabilities: Medtech companies are known to use cloud transmissions for their data, which can lead to extended areas of vulnerability for cloud-specific attacks. Identifying this now and creating different methods of data communication and storage can help many to limit this risk.
Looking for industry-specific cybersecurity solutions?
If you’re looking to further secure your organization, we recommend getting in touch with the experts at CHIPS today. Our team of pros is here to help you to determine the best path forward for your specific needs—offering you the most competitive and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity possible. For more information and to get started today, please feel free to connect with us online (via the website). If you prefer, you can also call us directly to inquire what your next step looks like with the team at CHIPS: 651.407.8555. We’re here to help!