Ransomware isn’t just a risk on your local network. Hackers have recently exploited the corporate virtual machine (VM) OneAccess to harvest resources and mine for alt currencies using the ransomware “RAR1Ransom” and GuardMiner program.
The breach has left many wondering: What does this mean for corporate companies and the public perception of VM security? What lessons can be learned with this dynamic shift in cybersecurity?
Below, we’re discussing the ramifications of the now-patched breach, as well as trends we’re seeing in VMware cybersecurity. Our goal is to leave you as aware and prepared as possible to defend your own network with a holistic approach that extends to corporate networks and software.
What happened with the OneAccess ransomware breach?
Prior to the patch, VMware One Access had a loophole that promoted the exploit of both resources and data, allowing cybercriminals to install miners and ransomware remotely via this access. The first attempt at an exploit using this type of vulnerability was seen by Fortinet back in August of 2022, as users attempted to put the ware on Linux-based OS-equipped systems remotely.
The original botnet sample that was seen was designed to use denial of service (DDoS) attacks to break through and halt any sort of countermeasures – however, this was swapped to a more sophisticated use of a shell script that would be OS-specific for maximum compatibility.
What can we learn from the ransomware attack?
There were several takeaways to be had from this most recent ransomeware attack. Most notably, this event challenges the concept of virtualization as a risk-free cyber solution. Virtual machines as their own entity are regarded as relatively impenetrable by the average view. However, any time you allow changes to be made within a server or a system, you are potentially raising your risk of compromisation. Keeping this in mind and adopting a preventative approach to cybersecurity management will be the most beneficial way to mitigate risk for businesses going forward.
It also offers valuable insight into risks posed by alt currency miners and the current landscape of cybersecurity. Rather than acute or strategic DDoS attacks, it seems that the stakes have been raised – and we can expect to see attempts like this get more desperate as the economic strain continues to worsen.
What’s the next right step to enhance a business’s cybersecurity?
Looking to take your next right step in your cybersecurity strategy? There’s no better time than the present to pair with a trusted IT partner like CHIPS. We’re here to create a bespoke technological solution for your current needs – weaving in elements such as sustainability, preemptive risk management and top-tier optimization strategies into every move we make to protect your business interests. For more information and to get started building your custom solution today, please visit our website.