If you’re a network security specialist, you likely already know the answer to this question. Still, advanced threat protection has evolved over the years. Here at CHIPS, we rely on an advanced threat protection methodology that relies on the concept of Zero Trust. Our network security solutions are about as advanced as network threat protection can get. Still, let’s have a closer look at the broader meaning behind the words.
A Primer on Advanced Threat Protection
The bad guys don’t sit still. They constantly evolve their techniques and strategies. Malware is constantly probing, ready to evade detection by traditional antivirus programs and firewalls. This is where advanced threat detection comes into play. These solutions are meant to detect and thwart advanced malware attacks. They exist to prevent remote access in an attempt to gain access to internal networks and steal sensitive information.
A few different advanced threat protection methodologies include:
- Sandboxing: This method creates a sandbox where network traffic is stored and monitored. Anything suspicious can be automatically shunted to the sandbox. There, they can be analyzed and taken care of if need be.
- Behavioral Analysis: Network behavior analysis refers to internal network monitoring programs that constantly observe network traffic and pinpoint suspicious activity.
- Automated Monitoring: Solutions that provide automated network monitoring allow IT professionals to track, regulate, and automate configurable aspects of their network infrastructure. Automated monitoring allows them to find and rectify vulnerabilities before they become a security risk.
There are more methods and tactics, but those are the main methodologies used in advanced threat protection scenarios.
Why CHIPS is the answer
Sandboxing, behavioral analysis and automated monitoring are great, but they don’t do what we do. They do not operate on a principle based on Zero Trust. In some cases, the threat actor may get an opportunity to penetrate even when these methods are used.
Today’s companies require solutions that take different approaches to threat detection. And that’s where Zero Trust represents the leading edge. Detection based solutions fail 30-50% of the time. True Zero Trust solutions provide absolute security 100% of the time. What do you get when you let CHIPS handle your IT and network security needs? You get kernel-level visibility and real-time behavioral correlation.
The fact is, not everyone can do what we do. CHIPS solutions are military-grade. It’s virtually impossible to break through our protective measures. Even better, we provide a wide range of outsourced It services to help take your company to the next level. Want to learn more? Sign up for one of our webinars today!